Sunday, April 7, 2024, 16:35

Welcome to Heartstrings

I'm so glad you could gather with us today! I know time is precious and many are distracted by the news of war, an eclipse, prophetic opinions, personal loss and sickness. Do you feel the world shaking under your feet? Does it seem like nothing satisfies the way it used to? You are uncomfortable and desire a home prepared for you. Are you ready for the real Truth?

During one of my times in the Word of God, I was moved beyond anything I have experienced before. This is not a prediction message or to call you anywhere except to the foot of the cross. Are you interested?

So, reading Matthew 25:1-13, a few days ago, as I have many times before I was struck as though the word lamp was highlighted. I asked Holy Spirit to teach me about the lamps and the 10 virgins. I will try to explain.

All 10 virgins had lamps. All had a measure of oil in them. But, Jesus called only 5 of them wise virgins. They had extra oil. The other 5 He called foolish. And, all were waiting for the what seemed way over-due, the calling of the Bridegroom to come away.

We all know what it is like to feel so drousy that we can hardly keep our eyes open. In the last several months my own sleep has been difficult with nights where I have to get up, walk, pray and stumble back into bed only to wake exhausted. Yet, in it all I am fully aware that the Lord is beside me, awake or asleep. And earnestly waiting for His appearing.

Anyway, the call sounds out that the Bridegroom comes and they were to go out to meet Him. The virgins got up and put their own lamps in order. I particularly noticed they took care of their own lamps. 

The foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. But the wise replied, There will not be enough for us and for you; go instead to the dealers and buy for yourselves."

So, the foolish went one way and the wise the other way. But, while they were going to buy more oil, the Bridegroom came and those who were prepared went in with Him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. SHUT.

I can almost hear the door as it Closed. Now, I imagined the foolish, finally following the path to the door, expecting to enter. There were likely lamps left behind here and there. I know I would have wondered what that was all about. Puddles of oil leaking from the discarded lamps made the foolish leave footprints on the path. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Light so why would we need to have the lamps with us into the brightness of His glory? 

It is my own imagination but, so clear these last few days. The 5 foolish virgins take the steps up to the door and knock asking to enter. Jesus comes to the door and tells them He doesn't know them, depart.

Then all the excuses come tumbling out of their mouths. But, we thought it best to polish the lamps before coming. We had to stop and buy a better pair of sandals for the walk. We can hear the music and see the light shining and know there is a party going on! We want in! 

I never knew you. I am not acquainted with you. Can there be anything more sorrowful?

To be left out. To miss the mark. To know the Bridegroom is on the other side of the door. To feel the darkness, like a heavy robe and the dampness making your shoulders bend under the weight of your choices. 

What matters most? That you went to church, taught sunday school, sang in the choir, gave tithes, helped the needy? Or? That you simply came to the foot of the cross and from there discovered a precious treasure in Christ and freedom from passions in sin? 

Do you have polished idols in your life today? Anything or anyone that has a higher place than God? Any love or desire more than your love for God? He doesn't make mistakes. And, as often as we show up, He is there. 

Giving my life to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ is the way into the banquet. Remaining close enough to hear His whispers. Taking His Word as the oil for my lamp. My witness, no matter the circumstances in my life to reflect my time with the Master.

Well, this is just something to think about. I know which side of the door I want to be on! How about you?

Simply come, ready your heart as a sacrifice to be molded and shaped into the vessel of honor He desires. Call on the Lord and you will be saved. Today, if you will. I am praying for you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. The Risen Lord and soon coming King! Amen.

Abundance is...having enough oil

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