Monday, January 20, 2020, 00:35

Dear family and friends,

   Hello and welcome to Heartstrings. I am sorry I couldn't write yesterday. Hopefully, you didn't miss out on the wonderful things God had in store for you.

   Reading through Genesis, I came to chapter 19 this morning. I have read it many times but for some reason what struck me was that Lot's wife looked back. Her reasons? From what I understand Lot's wife not only "looked back" to where her heart's interests were, but she lingered behind; and probably overtaken by the fire and brinmstone, her dead body became incrusted with salt. Layered. Salt packed in the area which is today called the Dead Sea.

   So, as I thought about this I had to question my own heart to see whether I look back and linger in the wishes and longings, my interests and desires yet unfulfilled. I have. That is where I get stuck.

   Lord Jesus, forgive me for hanging on to those things that are only of my own agenda. Those desires that are not of you. Even to the point of trying to fix a situation from years past. No wonder, there is a struggle.

   Will you make me so focused on Your desires and the passion of Your heart for my life, that I do not question, only believe You have the very best for me. In Jesus name, amen.

   When Jesus told the story of the salt, He said in Matthew 5:13..."You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men." Thrown out the old and ask the Lord to make you new!

   As I reviewed Lot's wife, I could see simularities in my own thinking. Then, by stepping back, I could see the reason for my stale witness. My lack of desire to share The Good News with others, freely. Being tied up with unmet wishes, a person can get stuck. By looking back all the time and not finding a resolution to those situations, we can easily loose our way.

  By spending time alone in God's Word and not expecting to be spoon fed by our pastors and teachers; we can see more clearly the hope of our future. The healing of our past is found in Jesus Christ. So, we need to begin there. Then, we can be that light of the world Jesus spoke of in verse 14. The Holy Spirit is your teacher. He won't let you get lost. Only trust Him as Proverbs 3:5-8 says.

   Do you need a new path? Do you need a mind change? How about trusting the One Who made you? He is able to keep you moving forward, climbing away from the destruction of your own Sodom. It was the mercies of the Lord that led Lot and his family out safely. Their lives were far from perfect, but God had a plan and He keeps His promises.

   Today, there is still time to bring all the crude of your life to Him. Let Him bathe you in the cleansing pool of His forgiveness and step out renewed, refreshed and ready to witness.

   Now you can declare, as it says in Luke 12:8..."openly [speaking out freely] and confess that you are His worshipper and acknowledge Him before men, then the Son of Man also will declare and confess and acknowledge you before the angels of God." Praise the Lord!

   You won't be stuck any longer. Your freedom came with a cost. You know that Jesus took your sin upon Himself to the cross, then conquered death so you can live eternally with Him. Redeemed to come freely to the Father in heaven. Talk to Him now.

   Lord God, forgive me of my sin and all the longings to go back. Forgive me for thinking my way is better and I can fix myself. I cannot. Will you help me find my way to You? Thank you for saving me today. In the matchless name of Jesus, amen.

   I am so glad you prayed this prayer with me! Now you can enter in with a grateful heart lifting praise to our Mighty God! Decide quickly to pick up a Bible and read God's love letter for you. You can start with the book of John. You won't be disappointed! Give glory to God!

Abundance is...Jesus says I am worth the cost

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