Friday, February 28, 2020, 01:41


Dear family and friends,

Welcome back to Heartstrings! Actually, I was already here typing away on my computer, no longer using the laptop, and trying to get a handle on this new format. Or whatever they call it. Yes, I am a grandma with computer issues. I just don't get it!

Anyway, thanks for your patience here as I try to work things out. I lost what I wrote earlier all due to hitting the wrong button. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I need a one on one teacher!

 Now back to the main point. Whether we are unexpectably facing a new challenge physically, emotionally or spiritually...we need a teacher to guide us. 

My best place is found in the time I spend holding my Bible in my lap, turning pages and being still. This time isn't about studying, but about listening.

James 4:8 says, "Come closer to God and He will come closer to you." Well, there is more in that verse but here is the depth of our relationship with God. Where we our recognizing His voice above all others. Where we learn about His unchanging character.

Recognizing I am flawed and need a Savior and His blood sacrifice for my sins brought me out of darkness. Praise the Lord!

When I was a small girl, my grandparents had a big old radio. It didn't tune very clear like todays, so we had to scoot closer and really listen up.

I remember the thrill of getting our first tv, a small black and white. The shows, though very few, amazed us kids. Again, we had to scoot a bit closer to see the pictures clearly.

That is what reading our Bible does for us. We get a closer picture and better sound when we tune in to God's Word. It is Holy and alive! It meets us right where we are at in any given moment.

Why should we run here and there for guidance when we have the best counseling. Is your Bible sitting on a shelf collecting dust?

Today was pretty wonderful for me, inspite of the fragmented understanding I have of the computer. I got an answer to a long time prayer!

It really pays to stay in constant touch with the Lord because He knows everything from your beginning to your end. He is able to perform the things that matter most to your heart.

When I felt that prompting of the Holy Spirit to reach out to my loved one and obeyed quickly, I was rewarded in such a way that even now brings tears to my eyes.

What happened to restore our relationship? Well, God sees both sides of the story. Only in letting Him turn the page at the proper time will we know what that is. With a heart full of gratitude, try to express your thanks to Jesus. 

When you read something like Jeremiah 29:11...even though it was spoken of the people of Israel, isn't it wonderful to see it applied to your own life?

Everytime I read it, it becomes fresh life to me! What other scriptures do you see that seem to breathe over your situation? It is all so amazing to me!

So, this evening as I wrap this up, I trust that you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Friend. If you don't, then please, take this opportunity to make it so. Tell Him you know He is God's Son come to redeem your life from destruction. You certainly can't fix yourself. Come out from your own controlling nature into a surrendered, peace filled, intimate relationship with the Prince of Peace.

I believe that even though I had to rewrite, this is what the Holy Spirit would have wanted for us. He is faithful and true. Soon, we will be standing before the throne of God, unashamed for letting Him reign in our lives!

God bless you until we meet again in the matchless name of Jesus, amen.

Abundance is...growing in His grace

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